ADF - Date picker (Using Jquery)

DatePicker in ADF

In recent Java One / Oracle develop conf - One of key note is Jquery is used in 56.87% of Top 10,000 sites.

Though we have all ease components to leverage our development in ADF equalising Jquery stuff, thought of using some Jquery stuffs with ADF.

 DatePicker -
Jquery Datepicker - The moment you click on the input, the date gets displayed.

ADF Input date - User need to click the icon  next to the Date input and then need to select the date.
ADF Date -
User need to click the icon to get the Date displayed and then select the date.

with Jquery ADF Date component looks like normal input box -

when user click on the input box , the date gets displayed automatically;

The user will able to select the date immediately, and also since this is achieved through Jquery we can add any animations like slide out ,in etc that Jquery support.

I also request you to bring some good uses cases, so that we can incorporate more of Jquery to ADF.

To-do Code - 

Import all the Jquery lib as javascript resource- 

 <af:resource type="javascript" source="/lib/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"/>
 <af:resource type="javascript" source="/lib/jquery//jquery-1.7.2.js"/>
 <af:resource type="javascript" source="/lib/jquery/jquery.ui.core.js"/>
 <af:resource type="javascript" source="/lib/jquery/jquery.ui.widget.js"/>
 <af:resource type="javascript" source="/lib/jquery/jquery.ui.datepicker.js"/>

And then call the JQuery Function similar to calling Javascript

<af:resource type="javascript">
          function datepick() {
              $("input[name=datepicker]").datepicker( {
                  beforeShow : function (input, inst) {
                      inst.dpDiv.css( {
                          marginTop :  - input.offsetHeight + 'px', marginLeft : input.offsetWidth + 'px'
              $("input[name=datepicker]").css("color", "blue");

This function needs to associated to the input text

 <af:inputText label="Jquery Date" id="datepicker">
                  <af:clientListener method="datepick" type="mouseOver"/>

You can also add any CSS to have a rich populated datapicker


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  2. Excellent post.
    One question... If we have adf date picker anywhere else in the in some data entry form.. then the look and feel of this new jquery input component will be different from adf component. I undertand that its a CSS thinng..but it is not simple...
    Do you think we have any simple way to make look and feel of the both components consistent across the app?
